Driving and limiting factors of CH 4 and CO 2 emissions from coastal brackish-water wetlands in temperate regions
Coastal wetlands play a fundamental role in mitigating climate change thanks to their ability to store large amounts of organic carbon in the soil. However, degraded freshwater wetlands are also known to be the first natural emitter of methane (inline-formulaCH4). Salinity is known to inhibit inline-formulaCH4 production, but its effect in brackish ecosystems is still poorly understood. This study provides a contribution to understanding how environmental variables may affect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in coastal temperate wetlands. We present the results of over 1 year of measurements performed in four wetlands located along a salinity gradient on the northeast Adriatic coast near Ravenna, Italy. Soil properties were determined by coring soil samples, while carbon dioxide (inline-formulaCO2) and inline-formulaCH4 fluxes from soils and standing waters were monitored monthly by a portable gas flux meter. Additionally, water levels and surface and groundwater physical–chemical parameters (temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and sulfate concentrations of water) were monitored monthly by multiparametric probes. We observed a substantial reduction in inline-formulaCH4 emissions when water depth exceeded the critical threshold of 50 inline-formulacm. Regardless of the water salinity value, the mean inline-formulaCH4 flux was 5.04 inline-formula