Evaluation of vertically resolved longwave radiation in SPARTACUS-Urban 0.7.3 and the sensitivity to urban surface temperatures

Stretton, Megan A.; Morrison, William; Hogan, Robin J.; Grimmond, Sue

Cities' materials and urban form impact radiative exchanges and surface and air temperatures. Here, the SPARTACUS (Speedy Algorithm for Radiative Transfer through Cloud Sides) multi-layer approach to modelling longwave radiation in urban areas (SPARTACUS-Urban) is evaluated using the explicit DART (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer) model. SPARTACUS-Urban describes realistic 3D urban geometry statistically rather than assuming an infinite street canyon. Longwave flux profiles are compared across an August day for a 2 km inline-formula× 2 km domain in central London. Simulations are conducted with multiple temperature configurations, including realistic temperature profiles derived from thermal camera observations. The SPARTACUS-Urban model performs well (cf. DART, 2022) when all facets are prescribed a single temperature, with normalised bias errors (nBEs) inline-formula<2.5 % for downwelling fluxes, and inline-formula<0.5 % for top-of-canopy upwelling fluxes. Errors are larger (nBE inline-formula<8 %) for net longwave fluxes from walls and roofs. Using more realistic surface temperatures, varying depending on surface shading, the nBE in upwelling longwave increases to inline-formula∼2 %. Errors in roof and wall net longwave fluxes increase through the day, but nBEs are still 8 %–11 %. This increase in nBE occurs because SPARTACUS-Urban represents vertical but not horizontal surface temperature variation within a domain. Additionally, SPARTACUS-Urban outperforms the Harman single-layer canyon approach, particularly in the longwave interception by roofs. We conclude that SPARTACUS-Urban accurately predicts longwave fluxes, requiring less computational time (cf. DART, 2022) but with larger errors when surface temperatures vary due to shading. SPARTACUS-Urban could enhance multi-layer urban energy balance scheme prediction of within-canopy temperatures and fluxes.



Stretton, Megan A. / Morrison, William / Hogan, Robin J. / et al: Evaluation of vertically resolved longwave radiation in SPARTACUS-Urban 0.7.3 and the sensitivity to urban surface temperatures. 2023. Copernicus Publications.


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