Regerite, KFe 6(PO 4) 4(OH) 7(H 2O) 6 ⋅ 4H 2O, the first new mineral species from the Kreuzberg pegmatite, Pleystein, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany
Regerite, KFeinline-formula6(POinline-formula4)4(OH)inline-formula7(Hinline-formula2O)inline-formula6 inline-formula⋅ 4Hinline-formula2O, is the first new mineral species to be characterised from the Kreuzberg pegmatite, Pleystein, in the Oberpfalz, Bavaria. It was found in vugs on a specimen of drusy quartz, associated with rockbridgeite, strengite and phosphosiderite. Regerite occurs as clusters of yellowish-green prisms, typically 5 to 20 inline-formulaµm wide and up to 0.1 mm long. The crystals are flattened on inline-formula{100} and elongated along [001], and they display the forms inline-formula{100}, {010} and {011}. The measured density is 2.69(2) g cminline-formula−3. Optically, regerite crystals are biaxial (inline-formula+), with inline-formulaα=1.670(5), inline-formulaβ=1.690(5) and inline-formulaγ=1.730(5) (measured in white light), and 2inline-formulaV (meas) is 76(2)inline-formula∘. The empirical formula from electron microprobe analyses and crystal structure refinement is Kinline-formula0.95(Feinline-formula